Kungfu Cowboy Doug Jones

Kungfu Cowboy in Action

Kungfu Coboy Doug Jones and his horse Ice

Doug Jones Kungfu Cowboy

Laurel St. Fair with Kungfu Coboy on Ice in front of DJ's Martial Arts

Horseback Riding

Equestrian Therapy

Family Parties

Birthday Parties


Kungf/Grandmaster Doug Jones at the Equine Kungfu ranch, combining horses & Kungfu in nature.

510 332-6765


The definition of Kungfu is skill through the accumulation of hard work and time. Something I’ve learned as a martial artist for over 44 years. It is also how I’ve trained as a cowboy and how I can offer the following services to you.

DJ’s Martial Arts & Fitness


www.djsmartialarts.com for more information about GM Doug’s martial arts school in Oakland, CA.

© Doug Jones Kungfu Cowboy